The Future of CP Management

Optimised CP

Corrosion Instruments are very excited to announce our CP R&D Project, Optimised CP!


Our TRU-Sync GPS Micro Interrupters can interrupt for up to 6 months from 2x AA batteries.


The CP-Pro will ensure that you get accurate and reliable Instant-Off potentials whilst reducing the in-field time for a survey by at least 20%. This will reduce office time for reviewing data and writing reports by up to 80%.


We aim to de-mystify the art of CP measurement through the use of highly accurate, simple, automated instrumentation. Our instruments provide highly repeatable results in applications where traditional means have produced great variation and, at times, a great deal of frustration. We aim to save you time and money by automating the parts of CP measurement that should have always been automated. We aim to provide insights into your assets, CP systems, and interference sources by supplying clear visual displays of information that you did not previously have.
Corrosion instruments